Life | Career | Protirement
Coaching brings a fresh approach, as a coach has no vested interest in the outcome, except a happy, satisfied client.
Clients generally require only two or three coaching sessions.
How many sessions is their choice, and can be decided along the way.
Absolutely no contracts for Follow Your Bliss coaching.
Coaching achieves results quickly because we start where you are and move forward from there.
You’ll be inspired, empowered and encouraged, through deep conversations, ideas, strategies and tools for you to use forever.
Coaching is future focussed;
it acknowledges the past without getting stuck there
Learn more about:
Face to face coaching sessions can take place at one of Larrie’s preferred coaching venues, or a venue that you nominate, including the privacy of your own home. Each face to face coaching session can be either one ror two hours.
Phone coaching allows flexibility; inside or outside normal business hours, including weekends, from the comfort of your home or preferred location with no travel or phone costs. Each phone coaching session is one hour.
Simply phone or email to book your first coaching session and we can discuss coaching fees at that time.