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Flourishing Workshops


  • A well-being, "feel good" workshop incorporating personal and professional development strategies.


  • Suitable for 6 – 20 participants.


  • Conversations, discussions, strategies, exercises, laughter and positive outcomes.


  • Half or full day workshops in a venue of your choice.


  • No “death by PowerPoint”… in fact no PowerPoint at all.


  • Designed for corporate, business, private or community groups.



Coaching is future focussed;

it acknowledges the past without getting stuck there.



Myers Briggs Type Indicator® Workshops


Larrie is highly experienced in delivering an engaging MBTI® workshop, having facilitated many inspiring, empowering workshops over the past almost 20 years with workplace teams (large and small), within the private and public sector, community groups and  family groups.


Larrie also works with couples, team members experiencing communication difficulties and individuals who want to enhance self awareness in their life and career.


With her warm, engaging style, Larrie’s workshops are always enjoyable with an element of fun and these workshops enhance self awareness, a celebration of personality differences, strategies for conflict resolution, communication and stress management.


"Our Bendigo BreastScreen staff attended a team-building day facilitated by Larrie Winzar from Follow Your Bliss.  The session involved completion of the Myers-Brigg Type Indicator (MBTI) to determine our individual personality types. From there, we were able to learn about each specific type, and characteristics that make them unique.


Larrie’s rapport with the team is to be commended.  She is able to read the group well, and quickly learns how she can best facilitate us. 


Larrie presents the material in a fun, light-hearted way and re-emphasises the importance of looking after ourselves – how to achieve ‘bliss’ in our lives. 


I highly recommend Larrie’s Follow Your Bliss MBTI® session to any workplace environment – teams big or small.  What we have learned from Larrie will resonate with our team for many years."


- Program Manager, Bendigo Breastscreen 

Protirement Workshops


Protirement – making the most of our longer lives


Many businesses, government departments, local government, hospitals etc. have long term employees aged in their 50’s and 60’s and, whether the staff are talking about it openly or not, in all probability, they are considering “what next?” as they consider traditional or early retirement.


These employees have, in all probability, contributed over many years and Larrie’s “Protirement” workshop is designed for them, to be a one-off or annual workshop to inspire these employees to consider their future which may, of course, involve them remaining with their current employer in some capacity.


Protirement is the period of time immediately following a formal career. Depending on health and wellbeing, this could be a 20 or 30 year timespan before really retiring. However, there is much more to Protirement than work. There are many issues to consider at this stage of life and these will be covered in the workshop.


The term Protirement was coined by Frederic Hudson in 1961 to define a new era of life – to begin anew. A time of winding down, but not stopping, a time of working on something with meaning. Larrie also defines Protirement as getting out of bed and putting on your runners, rather than your slippers, as you might do in retirement.


When the aged pension and retirement were first introduced, our life expectancy wasn’t nearly as long as it is now. In reality, we may be living about a third of our lives after the official retirement age.


When you love what you do, there’s possibly no inclination to formally retire. We only retire from what we don’t want to do. We don’t retire from living.


Protirement considerations consist of where we live, size of house, health and fitness, travel, leisure activities, long held ambitions, community work and family responsibilities. It’s a very rich time of life and Larrie’s purpose in conducting these workshops is to inspire, to empower and to encourage people aged between 55 to 70 (give or take) to create a life beyond traditional retirement where they will flourish.


This workshop may well open staff minds and hearts to possibilities beyond their current mindset.


Larrie also coaches 1:1 in Protirement.

Community Fundraising "Flourishing" Workshops

Larrie Winzar is very community minded.  If your community group would like a fundraising activity with a positive difference, consider hosting a Flourishing workshop.


Participants each pay an agreed amount for the workshop and 100% of proceeds are donated back to the organisation by Follow Your Bliss.

A feel good workshop with a feel good outcome.


"Your 'flourishing' workshop provided our team with tools and strategies to manage their busy personal and work lives, while still having time for themselves.


You have a particularly warm style that allows everyone to have a voice, while you quietly guide the conversation in the background....the feedback was all positive. One participant emailed me to say it was just what she needed to refocus and get things back in balance.

I would highly recommend your workshop for any workplace."


- HR Manager in Local Government

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"You get to meet people who are in the field of your bliss and they open the doors for you.

I say follow your bliss and don't be afraid and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be."


- Joseph Campbell


This website was designed and created by the very talented

Kim Lowe of 2inspire,

Bendigo Victoria.


Photographs on this website were taken at Point Lonsdale & Queenscliff, Victoria by Larrie Winzar

... even the selfies!


Larrie Winzar also acknowledges and thanks Kim Lowe for the beautiful "unique" perfume bottle watercolour image.

Kim Lowe

Kim Lowe - Professional Headshot.png

Larrie Winzar

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