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Phone Coaching

Coaching.... by phone or face to face - your choice


Coaching by phone works brilliantly… so does coaching face to face.


Phone coaching is focused, effective, and practical (no travelling or phone costs to clients) and there are opportunities to engage in coaching sessions well outside traditional business hours….. think later evenings when kids are bed, or weekends when you are relaxed in the privacy of your own home.


When coaching by phone, Larrie emails information and worksheets for between session reflection. 


Coaching by phone opens up interstate and international coaching and clients who live in Victoria can also have coaching sessions wherever they travel.


Larrie is highly skilled in deep listening, hearing intuitively what is being said (or not said) and quickly picks up on emotions, stress, concerns, feelings, moods and deeper meanings.

Some phone coaching clients decide to have an occasional face to face session, where that is practical. Whatever mode of coaching you choose with Larrie, whenever you choose, you’re working with a highly experienced coach and you can expect clarity and great results.  Good coaching gets you “unstuck” quickly.  Larrie brings the same energy, enthusiasm, warmth, inspiration, intuition, creatively and communication skills to each session, either face to face or by phone. 


Face to Face coaching sessions are two hours; phone coaching sessions are one hour.  Larrie looks forward to your phone call or email to work out what coaching model works for you. 

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“The purpose of life is to discover your talents and gifts; the meaning comes when you share those talents and gifts.”

Larrie Winzar.png
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"You get to meet people who are in the field of your bliss and they open the doors for you.

I say follow your bliss and don't be afraid and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be."


- Joseph Campbell


This website was designed and created by the very talented

Kim Lowe of 2inspire,

Bendigo Victoria.


Photographs on this website were taken at Point Lonsdale & Queenscliff, Victoria by Larrie Winzar

... even the selfies!


Larrie Winzar also acknowledges and thanks Kim Lowe for the beautiful "unique" perfume bottle watercolour image.

Kim Lowe

Kim Lowe - Professional Headshot.png

Larrie Winzar

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